Michael McKibben von Leader Technologies und seine Forschergruppe haben einen DEEP-Tauchgang in die Geschichte und die Abstammung von Klaus Schwab vom Weltwirtschaftsforum gemacht. Er teilt ihre schockierenden Entdeckungen in diesem Audio mit Douglas Gabriel von AIM4Truth.
Klaus Schwab wurde 1938 in Nazi-Deutschland geboren. Seine jüdische Mutter floh aus dem Land, gezwungen, ihren einjährigen Sohn mit Klaus' Vater, dessen Familienunternehmen Nazi-Kollaborateure waren, aufzugeben.
Im Laufe von Schwabs Leben hat er sich in die Königshäuser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches eingenistet, mit dem Ziel, Europa – und jetzt die Welt – unter der Kontrolle ihrer Schweizer Bankiers, alias "die Gnome von Basel", zu konsolidieren.
Ausgezeichnete Hintergrundinformationen über diejenigen, die Sie und den ganzen Planeten versklaven würden – verpassen Sie das nicht!
Planet of The Apes 1968 Charlton Heston
Alien Experiment Gone Wrong?
Test Tube Humans
Geez sociopaths playing God
Oh well
At least words out now
Very interesting contribution! However, you should revise some of your historical views of WW2 that are outdated.
Who cares, the guy is 83 years old, already 2 years passed the average life expectancy in Germany. How long do you think he really has left, he is living on borrowed time.
He might think his formidable fight is to rule the world but his real fight is with Father Time and the Grim Reaper. Some problems fix themselves.
The great reset is voluntary communism . That’s all it is !
God BLESS you for this post. I’ll save it for future reference.
A DEEPER dive turns up Maurice Strong who co-founded the “World Economic Forum” in 1971. Then in 1982 Maurice Strong founded and Schwab co-founded the more exclusive secret “World Forum” with only 300 members, the first gathering was September 1982 at the Lodge at Vail Colorado. It was Strong who also organized the Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 United Nations projects, Strong was a very high level Assistant Secretary General at the UN and was nominated to become the Secretary General. Kissinger was there in 82 at the Vail forum, it was he who rewrote the plans from Strong and Dr Muller, the plans for world domination with non-human assistance at the Baca Grande Ranch near the Sangre de Cristo, where Operation Paperclip psychics were before during and after the war.
The director of Los Alamos Lab telling his scientist how the atom bomb was given by non-humans at Sangre de Cristo.
It’s no secret about the UFO activity there, the early Spanish became aware of it around the time the Hapsburg dynasty arose.
How to: how do I resume listening from where I left off.. please help?
(Really awkward, I generally can’t take continuous time from work, parenting, living, to listen straight throug.. very interested, but 3rd attempt, I’m out.. much love, and thank you for your attention to this issue 

Beautiful exposé
‘Facts’ these days are an inconvenience to those who seek to enslave us.