World’s worst pollution hazards report focuses on 10 most polluted places. Weltweit leidet die Gesundheit von rund 200 Millionen Menschen unter Umweltgiften! Luft, Wasser, Boden, Technik, Nahrung und Medikamente! Millionen Menschen sind Giften ausgesetzt – Blei, Öl, Quecksilber oder Pestizide!

World’s worst pollution hazards report focuses on 10 most polluted places. Green Cross Switzerland in cooperation with the US-based Blacksmith Institute has issued its annual report on the world’s worst pollution problems, focusing in 2013 on the planet’s 10 most polluted places. These 10 sites are spread over eight countries. Wie wird man die Menschen los? Stimme Presse
The latest report shows that the health effects caused by environmental toxins can be equated to some of the most dangerous illnesses worldwide and even surpass them, threatening millions of lives. The World Health Organization estimates that 20% of deaths in developing countries are directly caused by environmental effects. It is also believed that almost one-fifth of cancer diseases worldwide are linked to environmental toxins. This conspicuously high percentage of assignable cancer deaths is even higher in developing countries. Pollution problems threaten the health of 200 million people worldwide.
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